[A new family herbal, etc.] Brook's Family herbal ... Seventy-second thousand. |
BROOK, Richard,
Botanist. |
879* |
A. C. Bonsall |
1887 |
[Morbi ex hyeme.] Om vintersjukdomar ... Översättning av Arvid Hj. Uggla. |
BRODD, Sueno. |
4145 |
1953 |
A life of Linnæus. |
BRIGHTWELL, Cecilia Lucy. |
2722 |
John van Voorst |
1858 |
[Somnus plantarum.] Växternas sömn ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... Översatt ... av C. A. Brólén. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1880 |
1921 |
Somnus plantarum, etc. Praes. C. Linnæus. MS. notes. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1868 |
1766 |
Somnus plantarum, etc. Praes. C. Linnæus. MS. notes. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1326/7 |
1766 |
Somnus plantarum, etc. Praes. C. Linnæus. MS. notes. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1869 |
[Somnus plantarum.] Växternas sömn ... Akademisk avhandling under Linnés præsidium ... Översatt ... av C. A. Brólén. |
BREMER, Petr Petersson. |
1331/3 |
1921 |
Hortus Breiterianus: oder Verzeichniss aller derjenigen Gewächse, welche im Breiterschen botanischen Garten zu Leipzig gezogen ... werden, nebst einem Theil der in Deutschland einheimischen Pflanzen nach ihren systematischen Namen und Synonymen, einer Erklärung der Linnéischen Systems und geographischen und literarischen Nachweisungen, etc. |
BREITER, Christian August. |
807 |
1817 |
Éloge de Charles von Linné ... Extrait ... du Journal des sciences utiles ci-devant d'hist. naturelle, etc. |
BOUDON DE SAINT-AMANS, Jean Florimond. |
2622 |
1791 |
Febris Upsaliensis, quam ... progradu doctoris proposuit A. Boström ... Upsaliæ, 1757. Praes. C. Linnaeus. 1760. |
BOSTRÖM, Andreas,
Phil. Mag. |
1949 |
1760 |
Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana ... Translated from the French, by John Reinhold Forster ... Illustrated with notes relative chiefly to natural history. To which is added by the translator a systematic catalogue of all the known plants of English North-America ... Together with an abstract of the most useful and necessary articles contained in Peter Loefling's Travels through Spain and Cumana in South America, etc. |
3591 |
T. Davies |
1771 |
Adresse des naturalistes, à l'Assemblée nationale, du 5 août 1790, soir. [By L. A. G. Bosc and others.] |
BOSC D'ANTIC, Louis Augustin Guillaume. |
2620 |
1790 |
La monacologie, ou Histoire naturelle des moine. Traduits de l'original latin par Broussonnet. Réimpression textuelle sur l'édition originale française de 1784, etc. |
BORN, Ignaz von,
Baron. |
3738 |
1879 |
Monacologie, illustrée de figures sur bois. [Containing the original Latin “Monachologia figuris ligno incisis illustrata,” together with a French translation. Edited by C. F. Martins.] (Nouvelle édition.). |
BORN, Ignaz von,
Baron. |
3736 |
1844 |
Nachricht von einer neuen Thierpflanze. |
BOLTEN, Joachim Friedrich. |
89 |
1770 |
Joachimi Friderici Bolten ... Ad ... Carolum a Linné ... epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere. |
BOLTEN, Joachim Friedrich. |
88 |
1771 |
Methodus foliorum, seu Plantæ floræ Monspeliensis, juxta foliorum ordinem, ad juvandam specierum cognitionem, digestæ ... Méthode pour connoître les plantes par les feüilles. Lat. |
635c |
1751 |
Carolus Linnaeus als middelaar tussen Nederland en Zweden =
Carolus Linnaeus and the relations between the Netherlands and Sweden ; with a summary in English. Academisch proefschrift, etc. [With a map and facsimiles.] |
BOERMAN, Albert Johan. |
4359 |
1953 |
Карл Линней, 1707-1778.. |
BOBROV, Evgeny Grigor'evich. |
4354 |
Издательство 'Наука', Ленинградское отделение |
1970 |