Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, suivant le système sexuel de Linnée, avec l'indication des vertus des plantes usitées en médecine, etc. |
MÉRAT DE VAUMARTOISE, François Victor. |
802b |
1812 |
Welsh botanology; part the first. A systematic catalogue of the native plants of the Isle of Anglesey, in Latin, English, and Welsh ... To which is added, an appendix, consisting of those genera, in the three first volumes of Flora Britannica, which are not of spontaneous growth in Anglesey, rendered likewise into Welsh. (Llysieuiaith Gymreig, yr ail ran ... The second part of Welsh botanology is an alphabetical catalogue of the Welsh names of vegetables rendered into Latin and English, etc.). |
Rector of Aber. |
802e |
Printed for the Author |
1813 |
An epitome of the second edition of Hortus Kewensis [by William Aiton] ... To which is added, a selection of esculent vegetables and fruits cultivated in the Royal Gardens at Kew. |
Aiton, William Townsend,
1766-1849. |
802h |
Longman & Co |
1814 |
Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, suivant la méthode naturelle. |
MÉRAT DE VAUMARTOISE, François Victor. |
802d |
1836 |
Dissertatio inauguralis botanica sistens characteristicen et descriptiones decadis variorum plantarum Horti Academici Tubingensis in systematibus L[inneanis] vegetabilium vel non consignatarum vel minus rite definitarum ... Præs. C. F. de Kielmeyer, etc. |
STRAUB, Joannes Casparus. |
802m |
1814 |
Hortus Jamaicensis, or, a botanical description (according to the Linnean system) and an account of the virtues, &c. of its indigenous plants hitherto known, as also of the most useful exotics /
compiled from the best authorities, and alphabetically arranged ..., by John Lunan. |
Lunan, John. |
802j |
Printed at the Office of the St. Jago de la Vega Gazette |
1814 |
Catalogus plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis huc usque cognitarum indigenarum et cicurum; or, a catalogue of the hitherto known native and naturalized plants of North America, etc. |
MUHLENBERG, Gotthil Henry Ernest F. |
802g |
1818 |
Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, suivant la méthode naturelle ... Deuxième édition. |
MÉRAT DE VAUMARTOISE, François Victor. |
802c |
1821 |
Useful knowledge; or, A familiar account of the various productions of nature ... Third edition. |
BINGLEY, William,
Rev. |
803c |
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, etc |
1821 |
Useful knowledge: or, A familiar and explanatory account of the various productions of nature, mineral, vegetable, and animal, etc. |
BINGLEY, William,
Rev. |
803b |
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy |
1818 |
Useful knowledge: or, A familiar and explanatory account of the various productions of nature, mineral, vegetable, and animal, etc. |
BINGLEY, William,
Rev. |
803d |
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy |
1825 |
The classes and orders of the Linnæan system of botany. Illustrated by ... specimens of ... plants. [By Richard Duppa.] |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
804 |
Longman, Hurst, etc |
1816 |
Flora Tonbrigensis; or a catalogue of plants growing wild in the neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, arranged according to the Linnæan system from Sir J. E. Smith's Flora Britannica. |
Forster, Thomas Furley,
1761-1825. |
804a |
1816 |
The botanist's companion; or, an Introduction to the knowledge of practical botany and the uses of plants ... growing ... in Great Britain. |
Horticulturist. |
806 |
1816 |
A manual of botany for the northern and middle states. |
EATON, Amos. |
807c |
1822 |
Manual of botany for the northern states, comprising generic descriptions of all phenogamous and cryptogamous plants to the North of Virginia hitherto described. ... Each genus illustrated by short descriptions of its most common species. By the members of the botanical class in William's College (Mass.). From a manuscript system by the author of Richard's Botanical dictionary [i.e. A. Eaton]. |
807a |
1817 |
Hortus Breiterianus: oder Verzeichniss aller derjenigen Gewächse, welche im Breiterschen botanischen Garten zu Leipzig gezogen ... werden, nebst einem Theil der in Deutschland einheimischen Pflanzen nach ihren systematischen Namen und Synonymen, einer Erklärung der Linnéischen Systems und geographischen und literarischen Nachweisungen, etc. |
BREITER, Christian August. |
807 |
1817 |
A manual of botany for the northern and middle States. Second edition, enlarged. |
EATON, Amos. |
807b |
1818 |
Atlas botanique; ou, clef du jardin de l'univers, d'après les principes de Tournefort et Linné, réunis. pt. 1. |
LEFÉBURE, Louis François Henri. |
808 |
1817 |
Flora cryptogamica Erlangensis sistens vegetabilia e classe ultima Linn. in agro Erlangensi hucusque detecta. [Edited by C. G. Nees von Esenbeck.] |
Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von,
1794-1868. |
809c |
1817 |