The calendar of Flora, Swedish [from the Swedish of A. M. Berger] and English [by B. S.] (The calendar of Flora by Theophrastus at Athens, lat. 37° 25′.). |
4458 |
1761 |
A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus. |
4461 |
1957 |
Herbationes upsalienses. Protokoll över Linnés exkursioner i Uppsalatrakten. Utgivna av Svenska Linné-Sällskapet. |
BERG, Anders Åke. Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778. |
4462 |
1951- . |
A checklist of Linneana, 1735-1835, in the University of Kansas Libraries /
compiled by Terrence Williams. |
Williams, Terrence. |
4463 |
1964 |
Discursus de introducenda in scholas et gymnasia præcipue vero in Gymnasium Arosiense historiæ naturalis lectione. |
Bishop of Åbo. |
4465 |
1737.] |
Förteckning öfver manuskript innehållande anteckningar efter Carl von Linnés föreläsningar i zoologi. Upprättad af G. Ekelöf. |
EKELÖF, Greta. |
4467 |
[Amsterdam, 1935.] VIth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, Sept. 2-7th 1935. Catalogue of the exhibition of books to be held in a locality of the Royal Zoological Institution “Natura Artis Magistra,” etc. |
4469 |
1935 |
Ichthyologia /
with an introduction by A C Wheeler. |
Artedi, Peter,
1705-1735. |
4470 |
J Cramer |
1962 |
Synopsis of the Annotations by Linnaeus and Contemporaries in his Library of Printed Books. |
Savage, Spencer. |
4471 |
1940 |
Early genius; exemplified in the juvenile pursuits of eminent foreigners. With fine engravings, etc. |
4481 |
Oliver & Boyd |
1818? |
Commentatio super Veronicis Spicatis Linnaei ... Accedunt tabulae duae aeneae. |
SCHRADER, Heinrich Adolph. |
4482 |
1803 |
The lives of distinguished foreigners, celebrated in childhood for premature attainments. Translated from the French [i.e. “Histoire des enfants célèbres,” by P. J. B. Nougaret], by E. Arrowsmith. |
Translator. ARROWSMITH, E. NOUGARET, Pierre Jean Baptiste. |
4483 |
Harvey & Darton |
1824 |
Sketches in biography, designed to show the influence of literature on character and happiness. |
Esq. |
4484 |
Waugh & Innes |
1825 |
Fifty celebrated men :
their lives and trials, and the deeds that made them famous. |
4485 |
Ward, Lock, and Tyler |
1862? |
Prince Arthur; or, The four trials. A fairy tale. By C. M. S. Tales by the flowers [in verse]. By C. B. Templer. |
STIRLING, Catherine Mary. |
4486 |
1861 |
A catalog of an exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus, 1707-1957, and the 200th anniversary of the issue of the Systema naturae, 10th edition, 1758-1958 /
by Thomas R. Buckman. [With illustrations, including a portrait.] |
Buckman, Thomas R. |
4493 |
1957 |
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit ... Mit 13 Abbildungen. |
COHEN, Ernst Julius,
and MEESTER (W. A. T. Cohen de) |
4503 |
1936 |
Christina :
en roman om Carl von Linnés mor /
Ingrid Wallerström. |
Wallerström, Ingrid. |
4521 |
Settern |
1980 |
Hammarby och Oxford :
Linneanska och engelska essayer. [With plates.] |
Hagberg, Knut,
1900-1975. |
4529 |
1958 |
Arvet från Newton och Linné... :
The heritage from Newton and Linnaeus: scientific links between England and Sweden in bygone times ... Exhibition arranged by the Royal Society, Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien ... the British Council. |
4530 |
Statens Historiska Museum |
1962 |